Things I’ve found out about Cervical Dysplasia
Hpv is present in almost everybody.
The cervix looks like a cake Krispy Kreme donut with a small Os or opening.
Hpv looks like Lantana. Like perfect spheres with bouquets of symmetrical flowers especially when stained pink and orange.
The hpv has double DNA strands. It makes a protein that merges with healthy cells, makes the tiny nucleus grow larger and larger. It looks like a black eyed pea. It can only inject itself when the healthy cell is in mitosis, dividing itself into 2 cells, then it uses the instructions to grow inside the healthy cell, taking it over. This is why its a slow growing cancer.When enough cells stick together its a lesion. Many cells in a lump is a tumor. In cancer, the tissues become necotric and turn black and die.
The stages are Abnormal, ESIL, HSIL, (low and high numbers of changed cells) and (Cervical Intraepethial Neoplasia) CIN 1, CIN 2, CIN 3, cancer in situ, and up to full blown cancer. There are over 100 types of hpv.Hpv 9 takes 9 years til death. Hpv 16 and 18 can lead to death if untreated in only 3 years.
There are 3 layers of skin with a thin membrane at the bottom. If the hpv advances through the membrane it is considered invasive. It can take over the uterus, vagina, ovaries, small intestines, bladder, spleen and if it metastasizes (travels all over the body through the lymph), it can be infect other organs. Chemo, Radiation, and Surgery are treatments.
For cervical dysplasia, treatments are PAP smear, done with ascetic acid (vinegar) and a solution to stop bleeding. (3 kinds of collectors- blade, broom, swab). Biopsy is taken by punches all over the cervix either on highlighted areas or in a clocklike fashion. A cone biopsy may be used to test inside the neck of the uterus, with older women the transition zone may be more on the outside. To treat, Cryosurgery, LEEP (electrical), and laser. Areas are frozen with wide ice cone shapes that envelope the lesion at -175 degrees F to -85 degrees F. LEEP cuts with a burning coil, and laser cuts with light. A follow up Pap smear is taken.
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