Monthly Archives: August 2015

Health from the inside!

I have been studying the procedures of making Bravo Probiotics.   It is expensive and I can use my sensitivities to make sure that the procedures actually create the conditions that are desired.  The goal is to increase the function … Continue reading

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How to re-culture Bravo Yogurt & instruction compliation

Mimi’s Research This post is about making my Bravo Easy Yogurt.  It has been designed by a couple of Italian doctors to generate GcMAF, a compound made in the body which turns on the immune system.  Research has shown that … Continue reading

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How to feel, actually BE younger, and slow down aging

According to webmd and the FDA, GBL is both illegal and dangerous.  This happens sometimes when a substance really works and the drug companies want to figure out how to put a patent on it.  There is lots and lots of … Continue reading

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What to do naturally about Osteopenia

It’s the right idea to take minerals!  I would look at all kinds of bioavailable bone building (food based) supplementation. Also look at why the bones aren’t getting stronger. The supplement we prefer to use is called Garden of Life … Continue reading

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What is Bravo Probiotics?

Some lovely Italian doctors have set their intention on deep healing and have created some working partners you might not expect.  They have trained some noble probiotic into being   divine probiotics!  Yeah!! The first thing I did when I … Continue reading

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Support Health News at “Natural News” Healthy Energetics may not agree with or take the side of Natural News however, for the other side of things, we recommend that you stay informed. Check out the news here:   Check out protocol: More on … Continue reading

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Chaya Tree – outstanding Dark Green Leafy Vegetable

Chaya plant © Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization, 2009 Updated in October, 2009 “Here is a contribution of the unforgettable Maya Indians, whom we have abandoned,” is the wistful introduction to a pamphlet on the chaya plant, from Desarollo Integral de la … Continue reading

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