Monthly Archives: February 2019

The most effective form of exercise isn’t “exercise” at all

The most effective form of exercise isn’t “exercise” at all By Emmanuel StamatakisFebruary 22, 2019 Have you recently carried heavy shopping bags up a few flights of stairs? Or run the last 100 meters to the station to catch your … Continue reading

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InLight Medical

  2/15/19 I started the inLight treatments and loved the way I responded to them.  I had some triggered nerves in my calves from chronic adrenal overload.  I went through the program and it calmed it down.  The literature says … Continue reading

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Going green with shampoo

Staying away from preservatives and chemicals! This article discusses preservatives, and the amount of shampoo going down in the drain each day.  Suds aren’t natural, therefore it clogs the drains and pollutes.  Going green seems strange when one goes against … Continue reading

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Nitrate-cured meats may contribute to mania

Nitrate-cured meats may contribute to mania, study finds An analysis of more than 1,000 people with and without psychiatric disorders has shown that nitrates-;chemicals used to cure meats such as beef jerky, salami, hot dogs and other processed meat snacks-;may … Continue reading

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How I Confronted My Worst Childhood Memory

How I Confronted My Worst Childhood Memory Twenty-five years after a chance encounter in a middle school bathroom humiliated him, revisiting the episode—and his tormentor—changed the course of the author’s life. BySean Hotchkiss Feb 14, 2019 Danielle Daly I was … Continue reading

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How 3 drops of oregano oil and baking soda could heal your lungs

How 3 drops of oregano oil and baking soda could heal your lungs Posted by Erin Elizabeth | Sep 20, 2017 Pneumonia is the 6th leading cause of death worldwide, and oregano oil and baking soda could act as another line of defense! … Continue reading

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