I am going to put comments to the info below as I integrate it.Then we can adapt it to you.
from Mimi about the topic:
One thing that I has worked well for me lately is using amino acids. For sleep especially, but also for body muscle.I am of an age (65) where I need to exercise for about an hour a few times per week in order to keep my metabolism set.You just need to keep your heart rate up and your body gets chugging along. It gets all the parts on line and makes it over the line of function to something special. I don’t know much about it except that when my liver was compromised by all my childhood toxins from a factory nearby, I didn’t want to exercise. It took about 5 years to get up the “steam” to get rid of it all.Now I feel much freer and trying to balance my work load with voluntary exercise. (During the pandemic, our gyms were open and that was always easier.)
So in response to amino acids, I use something called the Master Amino Acid Pattern. Dr. Ruggiero used to work with the guys in Italy that made this recipe. I read somewhere that he was a part of it. The company that I started with 20 years ago Is GUNA, a homeopathic company from Italy. Their product is called SON aminos and are a superior quality but also twice as expensive. If you get into it, you can call and see if they are still offered. I might at some. These are the strategies that keep my body and mind clear and I am setting up a healthy platform for my body.
Some history about my liver. I brought some melatonin on my vacation one time. I had encapsulated it into size “0” caps to make it manageable. I was using about 1/4 of a capsule at a time, just to experiment with it. So I put about 12-15 capsules in a zip bag to travel so it didn’t just look like white powder for TSA. I was going to experiment in the pureness of Hawaii while I had time to myself. But the first night, I came back to my bed in the dark while going to sleep and felt the packet of capsules. I thought I forgot to take my evening minerals and took the whole bag. So about 6 or 7 grams??? The next morning I felt hung over. “What happened?” Then I saw the writing on the zip lock and said. Ops. Not my night minerals.
My liver had dumped it’s toxic contents into my body. I couldn’t hold on and adjust to the melatonin all at one time. Energetically, what I was holding in my liver was all the ways I have had to adjust to the world. All my rationalizations and my stability to not get angry and to HOLD THE PEACE and HOLD THE INTENTIONS of LOVING AND my relationship with Spirit, my family, myself. It was all over the place. In retrospect, the best news is that I was in Hawaii with time to myself for sunshine, sparkling water and skies and trade winds. Hawaii is both relaxed but also very vibrant. My metabolism always adjusts higher even when I have a quiet day of botanical exploration.
Meanwhile all of my toxins were in my body and I began hiking and swimming and the soaking in the ocean while focusing on the sea turtles and coral reefs while my body processed the waste. However, there was a sticky yellow bile kind of thing that took longer to clean up. I felt like I had hip waders on that were full of it. Actually, it took over a year for that sticky stuff to clean up. It was hard to exercise because my body wanted what it was doing to be still and meticulous so it could produce something in the gall bladder in order for it to process. It was fine. I was at work and processing my work anyway. I just didn’t want to be very social nor too active. When my energy came back, my system and consciousness was very pure and bright. In retrospect. I had a beautiful set up for that cleaning. I used a great liver system to clean up completely and then had to remove the disease from my liver and I was all set!! Never had disease since!!!
But now my pancreas wants to clear. So I requested this info “anything on the pancreas”. Knowing that I would find my answer in this mess. When I read it the first time, I was surprised to see so much about weight maintenance. My weight has been easy to maintain by telling my body to hold it’s ideal weight. (Like when I was 18). Of course I see women my age with their house dresses and pudge and I realize I have not gone in that direction. LOL.
When I look into you and your weight, I am not looking for more or less weight but the function of the organs that hold balance. Thus the pancreas is at the helm. It holds the balance between the digestion and the brain. It has a big job and is very silent in the consciousness generally. Balance is something we do to stay conscious. So my next question is, is consciousness what we use for balance? Is balance between the body the same as how the planet supports its electromagnetic field. I know that the south node is the emotions and the north node is the thoughts. But what about how they interact? And what if we hold ourselves steady in the wrong way.
Over thanksgiving my husband, son and grandson took a moment to go to the park and go on the swings. My grandson and I started to play a game of running around on this large mound with handles placed. We liked that it had colors of bands. Of course his 5.5 year old self got the king of the hill. I told him about my birds in their aviary and how they had had a pecking order. I told him, if you come into my territory, I can peck you. If I come into yours, you can peck me. And so we ran around and a around, up and down. One of our other friends joined in too. It was amazingly freeing to “play” and to take spontaneous steps. We played for probably 35-40 mins. Everything in my body loosened up.
I tend to hold myself in a pattern so that I can work, make products, ship products, do the accounting and talk to the customers. This loosening shook my pancreas awake. Thus, it has been expressing its needs to me all week!!! Yeah!Play is the answer. But the needs of the pancreas become my nurturing project. When you came along asking to free your weight metabolism, I got excited to look into the way the body functions, the way the consciousness interviews and the way that the endocrines come back into balance. All indicating the pancreas. The endocrine of balance.
I asked my friend Bruce, for anything he “had” his his many, many years of archiving health. He did a sort through the material and looked for pancreas. He sent me what is below.
See my comments
On Dec 5, 2021, at 10:37 PM, Bruce Dickson <HealingToolBox@gmail.com> wrote:
Bruce: There is no text. This is from the 600 page reference book PDF under PANCREAS. REvised for readability by me. rbti has a lot of literature but very little professional grade lit. It remains a great undiscovered gem to most people.
My book on it for college freshmen is improving when I serialize each chapter.
On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 6:31 PM Mimi Castellanos <healthyenergetics@mac.com> wrote:
Mimi; That is really cool stuff.I wouldn’t mind reading the text. Can you give me a place to get started?
On Dec 5, 2021, at 4:01 PM, Bruce Dickson <healingtoolbox@gmail.com> BRUCE : wrote:MIMI paraphrase: Pancreas extends across the midline, touches both liver-gallbladder and stomach. Pancreas balance stress of reconciling mental and emotional impulses.
Pancreas pg. 442
“CLASS 1-5” and “CLOD” mean Reams is quoted
Reams is the developer of RBTI have not grounded myself in the greater structure of the material, as Bruce said, it is more of a group of knowledge and he is doing what he can to ground it.
OLSZTA Q&A: So, immediately we see the difference between RBTI and Orthodoxy, namely, RBTI says the Thyroxine is made by the Pancreas but Orthodoxy says it is made by the Thyroid Gland!
ADDED FROM GOOGLE : Thyroxine – from “orthodox medicine”
Thyroxine (T4) is produced by the thyroid gland under regulation from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The feedback loop signals to the hypothalamus in to release thyrotropin-releasing hormone, which then stimulates the pituitary gland to release the thyroid stimulating hormone.
ADDED FROM GOOGLE: Thyroxine is a hormone the thyroid gland secretes into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, thyroxine travels to the organs, like the liver and kidneys, where it is converted to its active form of triiodothyronine.
MIMI: – I see the pancreas stimulating the command to make the thyroxine in the thyroid. It may be a similar substance released but it looks more like a smart military order with plans.Then the thyroid fills that order. (Just saying that’s how it appears)
CLOD: You may have a case where in the pancreas is manufacturing the right amount of thyroxine, but the body does not have enough potassium, therefore, you can be over or under weight from that problem.
MIMI: This is very common especially in low metabolism.I will consider potassium as part of the weight metabolism. 10-15 ml
RBTI: Probably it would be overweight, but it may be either one. The RBTI test tells us definitely whether this is the cause of overweight, or whether it is something else. [Bruce’s body is in this pattern]
MIMI: Testing if it is a cause –
Mimi 25%Moj 35%Bruce 10%
CLOD: The reason the liver is not manufacturing enough glycogen is there are not enough calciums of the right kind present.
This is present in the Bravo Yogurt regular dosage of 2 TBS x 2 times per day.and fixes this, the liver and pancreas for the most part.
Therefore the liver does not have the material to make the amino acids
So with Bravo Yogurt, the liver does have what it needs to make amino acids and …. Small amounts of aminos are very, very helpful.
the pancreas needs to manufacture the thyroxine to control the body weight.
MIMI Overworking the pancreas.
This is true when you put the needs of others before your own.
For the overweight it does not manufacture enough thyroxine.
Which is also a pattern of wallowing in your own unmet needs.
RBTI: For people who are too skinny the thyroid manufactures too much thyroxine.
Perhaps being a good soldier to what is being asked of you.Bruce would fall into this pattern.
This is easily remedied by the correct diet.
MIMI Hmmm. What does correct diet mean?Green leafy vegetablesLots of good oils like avocadosClean lean proteinCoconut oil on the skin.
CLOD: Therefore the liver does not have the material to make the amino acids that the pancreas needs to manufacture the thyroxine to control the body weight.
MIMI Summarizing what was just said. PLUS Needing potassium
CLOD: The reason the liver is not manufacturing enough glycogen is that there are not enough calciums of the right kind present. Therefore the liver does not have the material to make the amino acids that the pancreas needs to manufacture the thyroxine to control the body weight. For people who are too skinny the thyroid manufactures too much thyroxine. For the overweight it does not manufacture enough thyroxine. This is easily remedied by the correct diet.
MIMI. You need a good variety as well.
ARM: Everyone has a built-in whiskey still. The pancreas makes alcohol from the glycogen made in the liver, and that controls our body temperature.
MIMI This is why I have included Sydney. Too cold.
People who are too cold all the time are not manufacturing enough alcohol. When people are too hot all the time, they are manufacturing too much alcohol.
MIMI. That doesn’t mean you need to drink alcohol. And it doesn’t mean you should eat a lot of sugar which turns into alcohol.LOL. It needs to be done with diet.
Green leafy vegetablesLots of good oils like avocadosClean lean proteinCoconut oil on the skin.Yogurt for the proper calciums.Potassium and minerals in a variety of sources
For alchohol. I just Jing Tea. It brings vitality. You need alcohol and a spark of fire to burn it off. This bring the warmth to the three heaters of Chinese medicine. You have the spark but not the fuel or vice versa.
DAVIS: If the pancreas does not produce enough of the special kind of alcohol the person has cold hands and feet most of the time. If severe enough, he may be cold all over at all times and in all seasons.
MIMI. Pancreas needs so self balance time. Yoga, exercise, meditation.If you are only looking at others, not including yourself, you will begin to melt into not producing your own fuel.
See it as keeping your own emotional tank filled.This is true of drinking alcohol too. If you don’t have enough of your own “fire”, then you need to get really enthusiast about something!!!Enthusiasm is God’s energy. You must have God’s energy passing through you. Otherwise, you end up like in prison, all dark and no hope. Even if you are free, you will see hints of this in your consciousness.I usually look for the light at the end of the tunnel and move myself out to it. Even in my working too much, not giving myself enough personal thinking time, if I give myself more freedom within the task, it is much better.
CLASS 1-5: The pancreas manufactures alcohol to keep the body warm and functioning at the right temperature. If it is making too much alcohol you are too hot all the time.
To reduce the amount of alcohol in the body drink some Brazilian Tea made from coffee (weak black coffee where you can see the bottom of a teacup, no stronger. In those cases the coffee often makes them sick at their stomach. This is exactly what you want to happen Praise God it is because it is re-patterning their body chemistry. If they have pancreatic cancer; and, will not drink weak coffee because they do not like the taste of it, then shame on them. Suggest they make out their last will and testament.
MIMI. Okay let’s find the Brazilian coffee….
I looked at amazon, Peet’s has a coffee from Brazil both in beans and in cups pods.
ION INSTITUTE: When the feet are very hot and sweaty or a person has hot flashes, the pancreas is producing too much alcohol. Use a little coffee to temporarily alleviate the problem. Coffee is not the long term solution, rebuilding the pancreas is
MIMI – Next question, rebuilding the pancreas.
Liv-alive is a product I have in capsules. There are two books on the product page. He heals livers that need to be transplanted. He also says it heals other organs too. I have been taking it and now I think it is helping my pancreas.
ARM: It takes colloids, and it works back against the cationic force. The glycogen goes over to the pancreas, and it makes alcohol out of it. This regulates our temperature.
C.H.E.M: Whenever the pancreas is manufacturing too much or not enough insulin, Algavim is needed. The brain needs potassium. [Algavim is Reams seaweed powder. Bruce likes it. Get teh bulk version from Daily Mfg.]
MIMI Not bulk but an okay start.
ARM: Drinking water, washes out the pnacreas. while not correcting the condition, it makes it possible for the pancreas to rest and begin to restore its energy. To rebuild, use green drink and green salads to rebuild the pancreas.
BEDDOE: The use of “Green Drinks” is extremely valuable in helping the liver and pancreas to regulate blood carbohydrate levels.
MIMI. I agree.I have greens in capsules that I use. Harmonia and nitro greens. The nitro greens don’t make excesses.I also use grasses as cooling when needed in Florida summers. Barley grass, alfalfa, and dandelion if you want that.It’s called tres verdes (three greens) or dos without the dandelion.
CLASS 1-5: Green drink [chlorophyll] is made by juicing edible green vegetables and is recommended for anyone who has a sugar problem, either too high or too low. It helps the pancreas to make the right enzymes to regulate your insulin so it is good for high or low sugars. One NO-NO about green drink and low blood sugar, never give comfrey, or comfrey tea, to people with low blood sugar because it lowers the sugar faster than anything else, but on all high blood sugar cases use it plentifully.
MIMI. Love this strategy and this confirmation.Make sure its organic. Unfortunately I have seen commercial greens that were more pesticide than produce.Please, this is going right into your blood stream. Don’t mess with anything not organic.
DAVIS: The best way we know of to rebuild the pancreas is with cationic “green drink” – that is, anything green such as carrot tops, celery, green beans, any edible green leaf, etc., put through a juicer so that the vital juices are separated from the bulk of the plant.
MIMI Some say this is too much on the sugar system and the fiber helps it. Another point of view.
EUGENE REAMS: The pancreas of those with diabetes has only one seventh the amount of zinc compared to someone who does not have a sugar problem. Taking the HCl with meals because the HCl in the stomach is weak, in addition to helping the Vitamin-A to be absorbed, also helps zinc and other elements to be utilized.
MIMI. This is valid info.And a must with pancreas issues or diabetes
BEDDOE: Exercise balances blood sugar. When the activity of the body increases, the adrenal glands raise their level of activity. Thus hormones that effect a better blood sugar response between the liver and pancreas are then released.
MIMI. YES!!!! This is the metabolic reset as I called it. Now I know what is happening.
This will help your heart since sugar hurts heart and veins.
Reducing sugar is obvious if you want to care for yourself. I use various things to reduce the fungus that eats the excess sugar and that reduces cravings.Also a book called. The Craving Cure by Julia Ross
BEDDOE: This discovery points to the fact when acidosis is a result of carbohydrate problems it is not only due to the incomplete metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. It is also due to loss of production of bicarbonate by the pancreas.
MIMI. Imuno on the mustache over the lip and the same type of area under the lower lip will increase the digestion which will auto start the metabolism of carbohydrates. Use only imuno the size of a piece of rice for both lips and use it every day or skip once in a while. Just keep the metabolism running like spinning a plate on a stick. You must get to it on time.When it is working, my tummy rumbles.Also when I am not digesting food, I am digesting emotions.I don’t eat late at night because night time digestion is really not healthy. (Slime bugs that remove food will cause cravings)Also the brain drains into the colon but it also picks up nutrients and if you have junk late at night, the brain gets swollen and hung over the next day. If you want a good day, mind when you eat.
CHALLEN: More people are allergic to white (Irish) potatoes because pancreas turns potatoes to sugar so quick people become hyperglycemic.
MIMI. Indeed!! Not to mention the little particles and the gluey starch is so hard for the body to remove.
CHALLEN: Foods that create gas when the gastric juice from the pancreas is not strong enough: Broccoli, onion, rutabaga, cauliflower, and sweet potato.
MIMI. Gastric juices may be assisted by HCI BETAIN
CLASS 1-5: The medical profession considers a person who has low blood sugar [urine Brix] is allergic to all carbohydrates, so they feed high proteins and tell you to discontinue your carbohydrates. What we do is break all rules and find out why. We decrease their protein meats terrifically and put them into a low protein diet, no protein substitutes, or anything of this nature. We put them on fruits and things, one at a time, until you find out which fruit or which carbohydrates causes the pancreas to flush. We then discontinue this problematic food and it solves the problem.
MIMI. This is not seen often but this plan seams helpful.This is something I want to try with Jim K.
ARM: Caffeine will retard the pancreas from flushing.
MIMI. Thats a very good reason to drink mushroom tea.
SESSION 1-1975: If they are too hot all the time, give them a little bit of coffee to drink, which cuts the alcohol if the pancreas is over making.
MANTHEI: Comfrey tea and alfalfa tea we use in our retreat for people who have sugar [Brix] readings above 5.5, and these are unsweetened. Comfrey tea or alfalfa tea helps to bring down a high sugar [urine Brix], helps the pancreas to produce more insulin.
MIMI. Interesting.
OLSZTA: All darker green vegetables such as spinach, kale, parsley, wheat grass, collard greens, dandelion greens, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, endive, escarole, etc. will contain varying but good amounts of chlorophyll and will all be excellent in helping to rebuild the liver and pancreas and thus get the sugar problems under control.
MIMI. Plus all in sprout form including broccoli and arugula
SESSION 1-1975: Sometimes there is damage to the central nerve between the liver and the central nerve tree, so to speak and the pancreas. And therefore when this happens, the pancreas will become carcinomic and then cancerous and that the message can not get through to the pancreas, you cannot control the sugar and the person will lose weight very rapidly until they die. But if the nerve is not damaged, and the pancreas has only a mineral deficiency it has a remarkable ability to rebuild itself and so does the liver.
MIMI. This is what happened to me. I stored emotionally charged childhood and past life memories in the nerve ganglia although it was not damaged, the connection was impaired by my unexpressed rage at not being able to care for myself. Like receiving formula instead of breast milk. With this one, Bravo rebuilt me and fixed the stored rage thus healing the liver and now the pancreas.
MIMI. My father’s mother died with this issue as well although she self medicated with heavy smoking and drinking.Its funny how we can see up the genetic line to what is going on and they can’t see it.Always I ask my kids to please share what you see in me. It is what I need and can’t get to very easily.You become my best healers.
Thanks Bruce for the experience.
Below is Bruce’s work.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work ~ Thomas Edison.
The opposite of bravery is not cowardice but conformity ~ Robert Anthony
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free and without responsibility ~ Goethe
Think about the kind of world you want to live and work in. Demand your teachers teach you how to do that ~ Prince Peter KropotkinBruce Dickson
Home: (626) 627-0296
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To sign up up for gift book serialization, Befriending Your Biology, Physical Health from the Inside Out
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Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work ~ Thomas Edison.
The opposite of bravery is not cowardice but conformity ~ Robert Anthony
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free and without responsibility ~ Goethe
Think about the kind of world you want to live and work in. Demand your teachers teach you how to do that ~ Prince Peter KropotkinBruce Dickson
Home: (626) 627-0296
Skype, Zoom available
To sign up up for gift book serialization, Befriending Your Biology, Physical Health from the Inside Out
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