“It has been demonstrated, and our present study has confirmed, that after antibiotic treatment the bacterial composition in the gut never returns to its initial composition,” said Trinchieri. “Thus, our findings raise the possibility that the frequent use of antibiotics during a patient’s lifetime or to treat infections related to cancer and its side-effects may affect the success of anti-cancer therapy.”
… “This [germ-free environment due to antibiotic usage] resulted in a lower production of cytokines (proteins secreted by lymph cells that affects cellular activity and controls inflammation) as well as lower tumor death therefore demonstrating that optimal responses to cancer therapy required an intact commensal microbiota.”
Why You Should Consider Taking Probiotics During and After Cancer Treatment – Integrative Oncology Essentials
“New studies report that when your gut bacteria are compromised chemotherapy may not work as well.” … “These findings are profound, as we did not previous know that the health of our intestinal flora might be an important factor that could tip the balance for patients on whether their cancer treatment is effective or not. ”
Four Reasons to Consider Probiotics with Radiation Therapy – Radiation Nation
1. Fewer Side Effects – Published research now increasingly shows that probiotics can lessen side effects.
2. Better Treatment Accuracy
3. Fewer Treatment Breaks
4. Avoiding Secondary Complications
Induction of intestinal stem cells by R-spondin 1 and Slit2 augments chemoradioprotection – Nature
During lethal dosages of chemoradiation, administering a short pulse of R-spondin 1 (Rspo1; a Wnt agonist) plus Slit2 reduced ISC loss, mitigated gut impairment and protected animals from death, without concomitantly decreasing tumour sensitivity to chemotherapy. Therefore Rspo1 and Slit2 may act as therapeutic adjuvants to enhance host tolerance to aggressive chemoradiotherapy for eradicating metastatic cancers.
Commentary on the Study by Natural Society:
“The problem is that pharmaceutical companies can charge upwards of $50,000 for one dose of Rspol. The secret they don’t want you to know is that probiotics help your body to make its own – without the hefty price tag.” … “The epithelial cells in the intestinal walls are responsible for making sure this substance is made consistently, and without good probiotics and gut health, he cells start to slack on the job. Rapid cellular regeneration happens in those who have good gut health and balanced intestinal flora.” … “The University of Michigan study, which was published in the journal Nature, was centered around ‘Rspol’ or ‘R-spondon1’ which activates cell production in the intestinal walls which then help to regenerate tissue that is damaged by chemotherapy and other forms of poisonous drugs. Mice given R-spondon1 survived fatal doses of chemotherapy since the substance was able to help their bodies regenerate new tissue faster than the chemo could destroy it.”
Subject 2 from Austria had undergone surgery for colon cancer. He had multiple lung metastases, was undergoing chemotherapy with a monoclonal antibody during the consumption of GcMAF-based food product. Some of you are afraid that chemotherapy decreases the function of the immune system . But GcMAF as the food product can counteract this and further stimulate the immune system.”
“The therapeutic value of PRP was proved in several clinical trials and supported by studies on its mechanism of action. Concentrated immunoglobulin preparations from colostrum and milk of hyperimmunized cows showed efficacy in prevention of infections by bacteria, viruses and protozoa.”
1. Probiotics help to replace some of the beneficial bacteria lost during chemotherapy and radiation;
2. Probiotics help to clean out intestines of potentially toxic pathogens like candida, as well as chemicals and carcinogens (cancer-causing agents);
3. Probiotics appear to help chemotherapy work better. One study on mice revealed that when intestinal bacteria is compromised, chemotherapy drugs don’t work as well as they should. Another study revealed that the commonly-used chemotherapy drug cyclophosphamide relies partially on its capacity to mobilize certain bacteria from the gut into the bloodstream and lymph nodes. Once inside the lymph nodes, these bacteria stimulate the immune system, which then increases the body’s ability to fight a malignant tumor;
5. Probiotics help the immune system. Most alternative health practitioners are aware that supplementing with probiotics provides good support for the immune system and science is getting on board too. 2014 research published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport found that rugby players in New Zealand had about 40% fewer colds and gastrointestinal infections when taking probiotics, compared to taking a placebo.
6. Probiotics help to reduce inflammation in the gut 4, indeed systemic inflammation is reduced when probiotics are taken regularly. Since cancer is an inflammatory process, anything that reduces inflammation is well worth including.
Use of probiotics for prevention of radiation-induced diarrhea
“Probiotic lactic acid-producing bacteria are an easy, safe, and feasible approach to protect cancer patients against the risk of radiation-induced diarrhea.”
Results of a double-blind, randomized study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Antibiophilus in patients with radiation-induced diarrhoea.
“Overall, there was a highly favourable benefit/risk ratio in favour of Antibiophilus.”