“Once Considered a Trendy ‘Health Food,’ Now a Household Staple – Why Yogurt Belongs in YourDaily Diet”
Back in the 1960s and 70s, if you bought yogurt, you were viewed as a “health enthusiast.” If you actually made your own using one of the popular yogurt makers of that era, you became part of an alternative, do-it-yourself food movement that lives on to this day. If you haven’t yet embraced this decades-old concept, you may be missing out on one of the most important things you can do for your gut health.
America has a love affair with yogurt, and it’s growing stronger each year.
Over the past five years, Americans purchased more than three billion pints of yogurt annually.
Yogurt is enjoyed around the world as a snack and more
While that may sound like a lot of yogurt, the U.S. still lags behind other parts of the world. Residents of several European countries consume several times more yogurt per capita than Americans.
Largely regarded as a snack in the U.S., yogurt has been a diet mainstay for many, many years in other parts of the world.
So what are some of the ways people eat yogurt around the world?
In the Middle East, strained yogurt is mixed with honey, cardamom, nutmeg, and chopped nuts to make a dessert called Shrikhand
People in India and Pakistan create Lassi, a traditional yogurt drink flavored with spices
Greeks make a flavorful dipping sauce called tzatziki by combining yogurt with shredded cucumbers, garlic, dill, and olive oil
Africans prepare a traditional Senegalese soup with yogurt and milk and topped with a dollop of yogurt
Brazilians savor a popular snack and breakfast addition made of cheese and yogurt called Pão de Queijo
No matter how you eat it, yogurt can play an important role in your healthy diet. Before I share with you a simple and nearly foolproof way to get more of it into your life, let’s take a look at what makes yogurt so appealing…
What’s Behind Yogurt’s Universal Appeal?
People of all ages enjoy yogurt. Surprisingly, even many children find its tart and tangy flavor appealing… providing their taste buds haven’t become tainted from the sugary sweetness of commercial yogurt!
All ages find yogurt’s tangy taste appealing
What is it about yogurt that’s created so many devotees?
One study found that people appreciate yogurt’s satiety value – or its ability to satisfy hunger pangs and create lasting fullness.
Because it comes packaged in a handy little container, it’s easy to grab-and-pack along for a snack any time of day.
Satisfying… filling… and easy to pack along. What else could you ask for?
No wonder so many consider yogurt their go-to food when they’re in a hurry!
With an increasing awareness of health, many people are embracing yogurt for one or more of its much-touted potential health benefits – everything from immune support to boosted brainpower to digestive health.
Scientific studies abound on yogurt and the different cultures used in making it, highlighting its support for brain health, digestive health, blood pressure, immune health, bone density and more.
Of all its potential benefits, I’m particularly impressed with yogurt’s ability to provide your gut with beneficial bacteria.
Eating Yogurt May Be One of the Most Important Things You Could Do for Your Gut Health
Eating properly made yogurt can be a boon for your gut health
I along with other experts believe that optimizing your gut microbiome may be one of the most important things you can do for your health.
The single most crucial influence on your gut is the food you eat. For a healthy gut, you must first eliminate processed foods and sugars as they tend to nourish the growth of pathogenic or disease-causing bacteria.
Your gut health will simply not improve until you get this under control!
Once you’ve eliminated the fuel for the pathogenic bacteria, the next thing you want to do is fertilize the growth of your beneficial bacteria.
One of the best ways to do this is to add a variety of healthy organic foods like fermented vegetables and fermented dairy like yogurt and kefir.
Please keep in mind that fertilizing your beneficial gut bacteria isn’t a one-time thing. Most any bacteria you swallow becomes a temporary resident in your gut.
These bacteria need to be replaced on a regular basis!
When you eat fermented dairy foods like yogurt and kefir, you help replace the beneficial bacteria that your gut needs to thrive.
However… it’s important to note that not all yogurt products are the same nor do they nourish your gut equally.
Hidden Ingredients in Store-Bought Yogurt That You Can Live (Very Well) Without
A commercially prepared blueberry yogurt can contain as much as 21 grams of sugar in just one 6-ounce container!
One problem with many commercial yogurt products is that they contain ingredients you don’t want or need.
Sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavors and dyes are just a few. Too much sugar, in particular, can actually cancel out the benefits you get from the beneficial bacteria!
But the problems with store-bought yogurt aren’t just limited to too much sugar…
I have other concerns, too, about many brands of commercial yogurt:
May be made from milk from cows raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) that are treated with hormones like bovine growth hormone (RBST) and antibiotics
May contain genetically engineered ingredients like modified cornstarch and certain gums to create an artificially thick, creamy texture
While few yogurt products today still contain high-fructose corn syrup and other corn syrups (thanks to increased consumer awareness), the “sugar” used to sweeten yogurt is usually genetically engineered beet sugar
“Light” varieties contain artificial sweeteners, including acesulfame potassium or Acesulfame-K which may be linked to neuro-metabolic dysfunction with long-term use, and sucralose or Splenda which was recently shown in animal studies to increase risk of cancer
Speaking of Splenda… Recent animal studies also show it can reduce the amount of beneficial gut bacteria by 50 percent. Now there are two very good reasons (and, trust me, there are more) to avoid sucralose and the “light” yogurts that contain it.
Further, unless you buy organic yogurt made from milk from grass-fed cows, your yogurt is likely being made from the milk of factory farm-raised cows being fed genetically engineered corn and soy.
Most U.S. dairy cows consume a diet that contains genetically engineered grains, including the pesticides and herbicides that go with them. Traces of those substances can make their way into the finished food products, including the yogurt you eat!
The Benefits of Making Your Own Yogurt at Home
I recommend using raw, non-pasteurized milk from grass-fed cows for your yogurt
The good news is, you can have yogurt without all these negatives.
When you make your own yogurt at home, you have total control over what goes into the finished product.
You can create yogurt that…
Is freshly made from raw, non-pasteurized milk from grass-fed cows (if locally available) or organic milk
Doesn’t contain hormones and antibiotics, or traces of pesticides and herbicides
Doesn’t contain artificial colors or flavors or unnecessary thickeners (I’ll share with you a simple trick to make your yogurt thicker naturally)
Contains vitamin K2, depending on the yogurt starter you use
One of the greatest benefits to making your own homemade yogurt is that you can control the starter culture and the strains of beneficial bacteria in your yogurt.
Instead of just getting two or three strains of “good” gut bacteria like in many commercial products, you can have more. And that can mean greater numbers of probiotics for your gut health.
Why the Starter Culture You Choose May Be Your Most Important Yogurt-Making Decision
You eat yogurt for the beneficial bacteria or probiotics it provides, right?
So where does that bacteria come from? Your starter culture!
Your yogurt can only be as “beneficial” as the bacteria strains it contains, so what you add as your starter culture determines your finished product.
To get yogurt that’s full of live, active cultures, you need a starter culture that can produce trillions of beneficial bacteria.
Here’s how the process works:
Making homemade yogurt is a simple 4-step process
You warm the milk, and then cool it slightly
Then you add the yogurt starter containing the beneficial bacteria
The bacteria multiply in the warm environment, “eating” the sugars or lactose in the milk
The bacteria produce lactic acid which turns the milk acidic and causes it to gel and thicken
Starter cultures are precise, balanced blends of probiotic bacteria. Since they can vary according to the bacteria strains they contain, the starter you choose will determine the number of probiotic bacteria in the finished yogurt, as well as its flavor and thickness.
How long you culture your yogurt also influences its texture, flavor and thickness. A longer fermentation time typically results in yogurt with a tarter flavor.
If you’re making your own yogurt at home now, I invite you to take a closer look at what you’re using for your starter culture. Does it contain two, maybe three different strains?
How many probiotics does it guarantee? And can those strains survive the hostile gut environment when consumed?
My Kinetic Culture Yogurt Starter Provides a Minimum of 2.5 BILLION Probiotics from 5 Strains of Beneficial Bacteria – Not Just Two or Three
If you look closely at the label of the yogurt you’re now eating, you’ll find some rather long names listed. These are the bacterial strains used to culture your yogurt.
But are these strains the most beneficial for your gut health – and are they present in great enough numbers?
My Kinetic Culture Yogurt Starter contains 5 strains of beneficial bacteria for yogurt fermentation – and you get a minimum of 2.5 billion live probiotics in each packet!
Here are the 5 strains:
Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis
Bifidobacterium lactis
Streptococcus thermophilus
How did I choose these strains, you might be wondering?
These five strains excel at producing a high-quality yogurt. Two of the Lactobacillus species – bulgaricus and lactis – work in synergy to produce amino acids from the milk proteins. These proteins are then used by Streptococcus thermophilus, a potent probiotic strain with well-researched health benefits.
Streptococcus thermophilus has been found to support digestive and immune health. It’s an important probiotic strain in that it produces lactase that may help people digest milk more efficiently.
And here’s something else that’s special about my Kinetic Culture Starter… the Lactobacillus and Streptococcus strains produce vitamin K2 in your intestinal tract – a hard-to-get nutrient that works in tandem with calcium and vitamin D to support your cardiovascular and bone health!
Bifidobacterium lactis is yet another powerful probiotic bacteria that has solid science behind it. Studies show it supports immune and digestive health as well as helping to break down body wastes and increase absorption of nutrients in the intestines and colon.
The fifth – and final – strain is one you don’t find every day in yogurt starters…
You Won’t Find This Superstrain in Too Many Starters, but We’ve Included It in My Kinetic Culture Yogurt Starter
The beneficial bacteria superstrain Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1 is what makes my Complete Probiotics a unique and potent probiotic supplement.
Superstrain Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 is also in my Complete Probiotics supplement
I’m so convinced of its value for gut health that I made sure it was included in my Kinetic Culture Yogurt Starter too!
Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1 is a highly effective strain of lactobacillus, and the “DDS-1” is what sets it apart from other everyday lactobacillus strains…
Several years ago, researchers discovered that this unique strain survives the entire human digestive tract and persists long-term and colonizes in the gut unlike others.
Most probiotic strains don’t stay around long in your gut, but this one is different. Studies show it may survive as long as eight days!
DDS-1 has also been found to be particularly useful in helping to break down lactose, which may be a boon for those who experience difficulties with digesting milk.
A major Midwestern University study showed DDS-1 may support gut health and even help improve occasional bloating and elimination irregularities.
This study suggests that DDS-1 may help create a healthy balance of microflora in your gastrointestinal tract – the exact reason why I recommend eating yogurt!
Let me ask you… If you’re going to eat yogurt, doesn’t it make sense to make sure it’s cultured with superstrain Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1?
I certainly think so…
Invented in the 1970s, Electric Yogurt Makers Have Come a Long Way…
Dr. Mercola’s Kinetic Culture Yogurt Maker
Back in the 1960s, an interesting influence forever changed American eating habits. As vacation travel to Europe increased, Americans began discovering a delicacy that Europeans had been long enjoying: yogurt.
For those Americans who didn’t have roots in other cultures where yogurt was already a staple part of the diet, this was likely their first exposure to this tart dairy food.
It didn’t take long for yogurt to catch on in the States, but it didn’t go mainstream until around the 1990s. For many years, yogurt was regarded as a “health food.”
Those who enjoyed yogurt wanted to be able to make it at home, to both save money and to have a ready supply available.
The first electric yogurt maker was introduced in the 1970s – a simple machine that maintained an even temperature for successful culturing.
Now, decades later, my Kinetic Culture Yogurt Maker represents a giant step forward in convenience and versatility for making yogurt at home.
With its special advanced technology called PTC, or Positive Temperature Coefficient technology, you can accurately control the temperature of the unit.
And a separate timer allows you to control the length of the culturing period to customize your finished product before the maker automatically shuts off!
How My Kinetic Culture Yogurt Maker Takes the Chore Out of Making Yogurt
With my Kinetic Culture Yogurt Maker, you can set it, leave the house, and come home to ready-made yogurt.
Special features found in my Kinetic Culture Yogurt Maker makes homemade yogurt especially simple to do…
Fully automatic for easy operation
Allows you to customize culturing time based on your preference for a thinner, milder, kefir-style yogurt or one that’s thicker and more tart
Maintains the perfect temperature for optimal culturing of your yogurt
Its unique configuration allows for equal heat transmission
See-through cover enables you to observe the fermentation process in action
Includes 7 dishwasher-safe glass jars and plastic lids that go straight from the yogurt maker into your refrigerator
Comes with a complete Owner’s Manual with troubleshooting guide for the perfect yogurt – every time!
With its compact footprint and sleek design, my Yogurt Maker looks attractive in any setting. And with its quiet, soundless operation, you’ll hardly notice it’s there!
Plus, I know that once you taste the delicious yogurt it makes with such minimal effort, you’ll look forward to making yogurt regularly and putting your yogurt maker to good use.
Putting It All Together: What You Need to Know About Making Yogurt at Home With the Kinetic Culture Yogurt Maker
Making your own yogurt at home isn’t complicated…
As I’ve pointed out, making yogurt at home is a simple 4-step process: 1) Heat the milk and then cool slightly, 2) Add the yogurt starter, 3) Hold the warmed, cultured milk at an even temperature in the yogurt maker, and 4) Chill the finished yogurt. That’s it!
With my Kinetic Culture Yogurt Starter, you have everything you need to start making yogurt in your Yogurt Maker. You just provide the fresh milk.
I recommend using organic raw milk from grass-fed cows that hasn’t been pasteurized, but any dairy milk will work in your Yogurt Maker. Whole milk will give you the creamiest yogurt.
Alternative milks like coconut or almond milk won’t provide the same high-quality results because the Starter Culture contains strains that are designed to work with dairy proteins.
Heating the milk first to a higher temperature helps denature the milk proteins so they set together as “yogurt” instead of forming curds as in cheese making. This step yields a thicker, creamier yogurt, which is why I recommend warming the milk to 185° F (85° C) (and holding it there for 30 minutes with the help of a thermometer).
My Starter Culture contains heat-loving strains that thrive in a heated environment. If you choose to not warm your milk first to 185° F (85° C), your yogurt will be softer and thinner. Adding one or two tablespoons of nonfat dried milk before adding the yogurt culture can help make it thicker.
Before adding the starter culture, make sure the milk has cooled to 110° F (43° C) to avoid any die-off of your probiotic bacteria. Placing your pan of hot milk in an ice bath can quickly lower the temperature. Check your thermometer before adding the culture.
This same temperature, 110° F (43° C), is the optimal culturing temperature for fermenting your yogurt. Your Yogurt Makerwill maintain this temperature during the fermentation period which typically lasts 6 to 8 hours.
Creating Greek-Style Yogurt Is as Easy as 1-2-3!
Half of all commercial yogurt sold today is Greek or Greek-style yogurt. Its fans love its thicker, creamier texture.
You may be surprised to learn that you don’t need a special yogurt maker to make Greek-style yogurt. Greek yogurt is simply regular yogurt that has had the liquid whey strained out.
You don’t need a special yogurt maker to create thick Greek-style yogurt
And the good news is… you can easily create it from the yogurt you make with your Kinetic Culture Yogurt Maker.
Here’s how to make Greek yogurt from your yogurt, once it’s finished fermenting in the yogurt maker:
Stretch a piece of cheesecloth or clean tea towel over the top of a bowl and secure it in place with rubber bands to form a strainer.
Open your cups of yogurt and carefully pour onto the strainer.
Place the yogurt in the refrigerator and allow it to drain for at least two hours. The longer the draining time, the thicker your yogurt will be.
Once it reaches your desired thickness, spoon yogurt back into individual serving jars or other storage container and refrigerate.
Wondering what to do with the liquid, or whey, that drains through into the bowl?
Don’t throw it away! It’s full of protein and nutrients like B12, potassium, selenium, and thiamine. You can make smoothies with it (add it as whey protein), use as the liquid in baked goods or other recipes, or in soup for extra protein.
How to Take Your Healthy Homemade Yogurt to the Next Level of Goodness
Create an eye-pleasing and nutritious parfait with yogurt, chia seeds and fresh fruit
Once your finished yogurt has cooled in the refrigerator, it’s ready to eat!
You can enjoy your homemade yogurt as is and savor its fresh, tart flavor, or you can adorn it with any of these nutrition-boosting ideas:
Mix with my Pro Puffs Crispy Rice and Whey Puffed Snack Mix for a delicious breakfast idea
Serve as a snack with a generous sprinkle of my Organic Seed Clusters with Dried Mulberries
Drizzle Pure Gold Raw Honey over the top for an authentic Greek culinary experience
Combine with my frozen Organic Blueberries for a healthy homemade version of blueberry mixed yogurt
Add to your favorite smoothie with a spoonful of my Ketone Energy for an extra burst of brainpower energy
There’s so much you can do with homemade yogurt – your options are limitless. And don’t forget about all the ways I shared earlier from around the world…
Stored in the refrigerator, your containers of yogurt will stay fresh for two weeks – if they last that long!
Are You Ready to Join the Do-It-Yourself Movement for Some of the Freshest, Healthiest Yogurt Ever?
You already know how important gut health is to your overall health. Eating high-quality yogurt each day provides one more delicious way to help you nourish your microbiome.
I wanted to make it easy for you to have your own yogurt readily available. My Kinetic Culture Yogurt Maker makes it easy to do. Kids even love to get involved and make it themselves with minimal assistance!
My Kinetic Culture Yogurt Starter provides a nearly foolproof way to make delicious, healthy yogurt that’s teeming with probiotics from five different strains and vitamin K2. And with all the serving ideas I’ve provided, you’ll have endless ways to serve and eat it!
Why not join the millions who have already made yogurt a daily part of their lives?
Order your Kinetic Culture Yogurt Starter and Kinetic Culture Yogurt Maker today and discover the delicious difference and satisfaction that only high-quality homemade yogurt can provide!
P.S. Don’t forget… I know you’ll be delighted with your purchase – my Money Back Guarantee assures it. Please see complete details below and order with full confidence knowing you’re protected!
Label Snapshot for Kinetic Culture Packets for Yogurt
Nutritional Facts
Serving Size: 1 Packet 0.05 OZ. (1.5 g)
Servings Per Container: 10
Amt. Per Serving
Calories 5
% DV*
Total Fat 0g
Sodium 0mg
Total Carbohydrate 1g
Protein 0g
Not a significant source of calories from fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, dietary fibers, sugars, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron.
* Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
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