BravoCoop is getting a boatload of new features and a snappy new shopping cart.
- Payment & shipping options
- User accounts & subscriptions
- International currencies and languages
- Point driven loyalty system for product coupons
- Private Q&A for Mimi’s Kitchen Club members
- Practitioner’s Corner with Q&A & affiliate links
- Live Chat with a knowledge base for easy self-help
- Highly organized customer service within the LIVE CHAT/email system
The site is newly born and we intend to soon be the new shopping cart for Bravo Coop. Much still needs to be built. Yes, you can peek. (just don’t wake it) Here is what to do:
To buy customizations such as freshly made GcMAF yogurt or probiotic drink, lower potency capsules and kitchen made custom suppositories, you need to first join.
We will have a raffle of the MKC products on March 1st. To enter, just be a newly registered customer! Watch for more grand opening fun.
- Go to
- (One time only) Register yourself as a user account (email & name) upper right little person icon
- (One time only) Go to navigation bar and choose Join Mimi’s Kitchen Club and fill out that form.
- That will generate a request for approval which must be done manually.
- Once you receive your approval, go back to and sign in.
- The navigation bar will now change and you will now see choices at the top that weren’t available before. Choose Mimi’s Kitchen Club. (It’s the secret menu!)
- Best contact form is the LIVE CHAT BOT inside the site. It is very smart and has many answers to your questions. Yeah!
The next time, remember to login for this menu or if you see the application again.
Reviews and referrals are both important ways that you can help.
- Review the “big stars” on the Bravo GcMAF tab.
- Find our lowest prices on the Stock Order tab.
- More to come! Do you have any requests to improve the site?
Give your friends these instructions and your name (for security) to get them in. (It’s the secret handshake). Remember, use the Live Chat located on the bottom right inside the site. It will be more organized than email in our back end and more helpful to you too. There is a whole “world’ in there.