Bravo Coop’s New Shopping Cart

Bravo Coop’s New Shopping Cart

BravoCoop has enlisted a lot of new functionality by using a different company for our shopping cart.   As of the February Stock Order,  when you go to and you choose the “Shop” tab, the URL changes to “”.

We did this to gain functionality such as:

  • Payment options that were not Paypal driven
  • Shipping options that give you a choice of carriers (coming)
  • User accounts which remember your name and address
  • Order history records
  • Reoccurring subscription options (coming)
  • Live Chat with a knowledge base for easy self-help
  • A point based loyalty system for product coupons (coming)
  • Private Q&A for Mimi’s Kitchen Club members (coming)
  • Practitioner’s Corner with Q&A & affiliate links (coming)

We also discovered that everyday there are 6-12 people checking in from other countries. We added geo-tracking which determines where our visitors are coming from and offers their language and currency translations.

Mimi’s Kitchen Club

Offering my own homemade products presents a problem with the FDA because they protect the “public”.   Joining Mimi’s Kitchen Club creates a membership in a private membership association which changes your status from “public” to “private”.   It also offers a smidge of protection because you understand that we are making these products for you in our kitchen and not some commercial FDA approved operation.   If you want to stick to factory products, just use the “Shop” tab for unopened product from Switzerland.  You don’t need to Join anything for that.

When you join this club and acknowledge that you give me permission to open packages from the Bravo Europe manufacture and make something that you want.   We do not act as professional businesses with licenses as much as we act as people talking in a kitchen.  As members of a private club, we have the right to speak about things of our interest such as raw milk or alternative healing and earthy subjects like taking minerals.  Within such an organization we are protected by our constitutional rights of freedom of speech.  We are allowed to help each other if it is adequately understood how we are doing that.  Thus the form.

Is all this necessary? Yes, it is. In order to offer custom products, or talk about our experiences with them,  we need to protect our privacy a little and make a brand and protect it.  That’s why the Bravo Products are offered on an unlocked page to the public and the custom products are locked.

How to Register for Mimi’s Kitchen Club

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the “Shop” tab
  3. Confirm that you are now on the URL
  4. Choose the “Join Mimi’s Kitchen Club” tab.
  5. Fill out the one time only form.  (explained below)
  6. Login.
  7. Observe the new options on the navigation bar.  (explained below)
    1. Prepared Yogurt
    2. Custom
    3. Accessories
  8. IMPORTANT:  Continue to login EACH time you come to the site

Do you have questions?  Feel free to contact us any time., 321-747-5517, live chat during biz hours on each page.

Why Make Our Own Products from Bravo & Rerum?

If you know about healing, you will also know that it is a uniquely individual process.  It is based on how much life force you have available, how much detoxification process is open to you, and what rate and dedication you have to maintain these things.   The next part has to do with simple and elegant solutions for each person to support their body the way that it wants to be supported which is based on what the body is working on.  The body has it’s priorities and they are often beyond what we can understand. In the end, it is a customized process with people’s hearts connected for strength and support.

Our goal is to be able to offer you the customized products made from Bravo and Rerum. We also must protect our source and Bravo-Europe’s legal liability which covers their brand and unopened products.   We don’t ever want to be without these products!

Bravo Coop and Mimi’s Kitchen Club are business names operating under, Healthy Energetics LLC.  We wish to transparently protect Bravo-Europe’s manufacturing and at the same time offer our members what their bodies want and need.  We have used the Bravo Products in the making of these customizations.  We are required to not include the Bravo name in our custom offerings.  Thus the name conversion.

  • Bravo GcMAF Yogurt is now Mimi’s Kitchen Club Prepared GcMAF Yogurt
  • Bravo Non-Dairy is Mimi’s Kitchen Club Prepared Non-Dairy Drink
  • Bravo suppositories are called Mimi’s Kitchen Club GcMAF Suppositories
  • Bravo Concentrate capsules are called Mimi’s Kitchen Club GcMAF Enteric Capsules
  • Rerum capsules are called Mimi’s Kitchen Club Rapid Detox Capsules
  • Rerum suppositories are called Mimi’s Kitchen Club Rapid Detox Capsules

How can you help?

Allowing others to understand our experiences is an important way to share what they can expect and what and how the products are working.   To do a good job with this, we also need to broaden our own awareness of how it is working for us.

Our new site will be filled with opportunities for social proof.   We aim to please and show others that BravoCoop is the place to be!  We work together to be helpful and in that process we learn more than we did before.  We are “for the people” providing direction for our personal journeys .

  • Write a product reviews
  • Use the Discussion Forum (coming)
  • Use the journey board to document your progress on a time line
  • Post something on Social Media
  • Visit our FaceBook @ BravoCoop
  • Use our Downloadable Section (coming)
    • Research and video archive bites by topic (coming)
    • Ebooks
    • Self-Serve Live Chat Library by topic (our own google)
  • Practitioner’s forum (coming)

Did you know that by helping others you can open and build your own energy to heal?  Here are some immediate steps you can do to help yourself, us, and others:

  • Referrals are always appreciated and what has kept us in business
  • Reviews (on each product you have used)
    • The “big stars” are on the “Shop” tab.
    • Find our lowest prices on the “Stock Order” tab
      • The Stock Order allows us to get the best prices.   We offer them to you!
    • Let others know about our “Custom” tab products
    • DIY with our “Accessories” tab
      • If you used them, let us know on the forum
  • Keep the Light on!
    • For yourself, us on staff, and customers (past, present & future)
    • Want to volunteer?  Contact Mimi:
  • Do you have any requests to improve this site?
    • Email your suggestions to

My heartfelt appreciation, gratitude and thanks for holding it together during this transition. 



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