Freeze Dried Free Range Milk
in 1 liter or 1/2 liter sizes
Why use this milk?
- It doesn’t go bad
- It don’t use freezer space
- It doesn’t taste like powdered instant from childhood. (Shutter)
- This milk has no additives, Vit A additive is a bad one for kids
- It has all it’s fresh cream
- It is dried in it’s peak of freshness
- It is packed in mylar with oxygen removers
- If unopened, it is rated to remain fresh and usable for 24 years
- It has it’s casein removed
- It has been gently home pasteurized
Your choice of Goat or Cow – 1/2 liter – $10.
ALSO sheep, camel, OR water buffalo – 1/2 liter – market price