Make your own acidophilus

Want to avoid the cost of continually re-buying acidophilus?  Want to have an outstanding quality of acidophilus that you can use in many ways?   In this article, I will show you how.   There are some important things to understand when taking on this practice.

Acidophilus is a culture of positive bacteria and a mix of various vitamins that are naturally occurring.  For me it is a meditation on being a positive being.  I consciously hold a positive focus and keep my gut in a positive mood.

I believe that acidophilus was “brought forward” from naturally occurring conditions of garden variety positive bacteria by wise and very positive people.   They held a very high consciousness of loving and Light.  Perhaps the energy they held around them affected their immediate surroundings and everything around them resonated with a very high frequency.  That would be enough energy to bring something that wasn’t there before; the most loving and awesome cultures.  (as well as many other energetic phenomenon.) The awesome cultures are acidophilus strains are here and they lovely!  You can learn to love and support them too.  Surprisingly, they respond back to me.   It is also a way to learn to love myself more.  It is a lovely upward spiral.

In days when there was no electricity or refrigeration, food had to be “cured” in a way that wouldn’t spoil.   For dairy, cultures were used such as yogurt, cheese and kefir and were kept in leather pouches where they would stabilize the milk through the night and into the next day assuring a family would have enough to eat.

The way I “continue” acidophilus is the same concept as culturing milk to get a second day from it without refrigeration.  It was helpful then, not so necessary now.  For the acidophilus culture it was also very ideal.  It is exactly what they like.  Don’t put your live acidophilus in the refrigerator or freezer.

There are many strains of acidophilus.   All of them are very, very positive  adding lots of lightness and levity to the body and thus the mood.   They often off set the angry bacteria that give the species a bad name.   This new,  more vibrant strain which has been preserved for all these years is acidophilus.  It is important to know that it is different from yogurt.  You can eat yogurt all day long.  You can only take a small amount of the “yogurt type” culture that is acidophilus.  Even though it tastes very similar, know the difference!  The acidophilus is way more powerful and you shouldn’t start with more than a spoon full.

If you have “gut issues” where angry bacteria has ruled your gut or your gut has shut down, it won’t be comfortable for you to make the change.  You might feel turbulent, gurgling and churning and so on.

Start up instructions:

  1. Take a tea cup and fill it with about 1/2 cup to 2/3 cup of milk.  Any kind of plain milk will do so make it something that you like.  The culture will eat the sugar in the milk.
  2. Open a capsule of acidophilis and add the dry ingredients within into the milk and stir.
  3. Cover with a napkin, paper towel or tissue and hold it in place with an elastic band.
  4. Put it in a cupboard until tomorrow

At first, your culture will be bitter.  After a few days, the culture will become sweet again.

Taste it if you want the experience but all you are tasting is the bitter refuge of acidophilus living in tight quarters of the capsule for a very long time.  Not hygienic for them, not harmful for us.  Here is a much better, cleaner, cheaper way to get your beneficial upward light filled energy.  Make it yourself.

So how to you get there?

Daily Routine for living Acidophilus:

  1. Follow the instructions above.
  2. Leave it in your cupboard for 24 hours.
  3. Take your tea cup out of the cupboard and get a new cup.
  4. Put 1-2 spoonfuls (more than a tablespoon, but you will get used to this)
  5. Add  about 1/2 cup to 2/3 cup of milk and stir.
  6. Cover with a napkin, paper towel or tissue and hold it in place with an elastic band.
  7. Put it in a cupboard until tomorrow
  8. Take the old cup and take a spoonful of the acidophilus.
  9. If any other family member is interested, they can have a spoonful too.
  10. Throw the rest out.  (I know that sounds cruel because the culture is so wonderful but if you eat it, you will detoxify WAY TOO FAST.  Have a spoonful and toss the rest.
  11. That’s it!  I rotate three cups.  One for the dishwasher, one always ready, one being used.

What about travel?

Good question.  Here is what I do.

  1. You can leave the culture in as much as 2 cups without it going bad.  If you are gone for the weekend, it will be fine because IF it has plenty of milk to eat it will live, but it will be really strong.  Only take a 1/4 teaspoon until you have a few days to get it back to “happy”.  At that time, the potency will regulate to normal and you can carry on.
  2. Longer trips.  (I have collected many rare and beautiful strains in my culture.  I don’t want to loose them!)    What I do is split it up  I take my culture in a cosmetic cup on the plane.  I use the milk from the hotel breakfast bar or else buy some.  I keep the culture alive this way and have it to use as well.   For a several week trip, I might ask someone to watch my culture for me.
  3. Give some to all your friends who are interested.  If they catch on and can keep it alive, then that is good for everyone.
  4. However, if you leave a fair amount of milk, say about 2-3 cups, it should keep it stable for a week.  Then you have to go through the detoxify process like in a new batch.
  5. If everything gets out of hand, start over with a new culture as described above.

That’s it.  If you would like some of my super culture, I would be happy to share it with you.  If you have something to share with me, I am happy to do that too.

If you would like to read more about beneficial bacteria within us, check this link.

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